A/B Testing in Email Marketing:                        What To Test & How To Do It

A/B Testing in Email Marketing: What To Test & How To Do It

content marketing, Email Marketing, Marketing, Uncategorized
A/B testing can be extremely useful in finding what works best for your email marketing strategy. A/B testing can be defined as a comparison metric, where you send out two varying samples of content and compare performance side-by-side. This could be measured through click rates, open rates, conversion rates, or anything you're looking to achieve more of. Improving your content in this manner can help improve metrics on other social channels as well! The whole point is to receive more engagement from your client base. Things You Can Test: Call to Action (CTA) Your call to action is going to be what drives revenue. Without that call to action, your clients or customers will only view your information and nothing more. Testing what statements or CTA buttons are most effective…
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Introducing The Micro-Influencer

Influencer marketing has been around for many years. The point has naturally always been to get your attention by using someone that will influence your opinion causing you to make the decision to try their product. In the past the role has normally always been cast to a recognizable celebrity that will grab your attention. However the trend is changing now and beginning to introduce you to the micro-influencer. Who are the micro-influencers? People you know and trust … your peers, your Mom, your local business owner and a wide variety of the general public we have come to depend on for good advice and superb service. Who knows better about a tasty dinner than your Mom? Who knows more about what everyone is wearing than your peers? Gramps could…
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What Is A Customer?

A customer can be a client, a patron, a consumer or a purchaser. The definition is specifically a person who purchases goods or services from another but it is much more than that if your goal centers on their satisfaction and your hope revolves upon their continued patronage. It is helpful to remember that it is not only the product or service that you are selling but also the relationship you are building. Customers have valid expectations and it is the sole job of the provider to fulfill them. Otherwise, and rightly so, they will seek out their desires elsewhere. Each customer is unique. They come to you in particular with hopes that you are unique as well and can offer them exactly what they need. Normally, their search has…
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What Type of Marketing Automation Can You Set Up For Your Business?

Marketing Automation can help salespeople, marketers, and operations professionals be more efficient.  I started using marketing automation because I needed to generate more and better leads. Sales automation is just one small piece of the automation puzzle. Business automation can help the entire sales process as well as back-end operations. For the sales process, the ability to focus on the hottest leads helps everyone. You can stay in touch with all prospects but still have time to give attention to the prospects that are ready. Below are different automations you can set up for your business using various automation tools: Generating Leads - Generating leads is easier because you can use landing pages or forms to capture leads (and immediately follow up). Nurturing Leads - Nurturing leads and bringing prospects…
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