
Think and Grow Rich – Free Book Download

Education and Training
“The starting point of all achievement is DESIRE. Keep this constantly in mind. Weak desire brings weak results, just as a small fire makes a small amount of heat.” Think and Grow Rich is one of the most influential and successful books of all time.  Subsequent successful authors and speakers have quoted Think and Grow Rich and have used it in their lives daily. If you haven't already read this book, click here for a free download of Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill. “You are the master of your destiny. You can influence, direct and control your own environment. You can make your life what you want it to be.”    
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If You Don’t Measure It, You Can’t Tell It’s Working

Great article by our CEO, Brad Swezey. I talk to a lot of small business owners who advertise in a lot of different publications and formats.   When asked if what they are doing is working, the usual answer I get is, "I think so," or some other variation of that. When I ask them how they know it is working or not, I often get blank stares or something like, "it seems busier lately or I overheard someone mention how they heard about us." Once I hear this, I am the one who has a blank stare.  The reason for this is that business owners are spending a good amount of money trying to get people to be aware of their business but don't systematically track their advertising and…
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Interview with Laura Sayegh, business owner and head designer at Laura’s Design Studio

Design, Networking
I had the opportunity to interview Laura Sayegh with Laura’s Design Studio. Laura works with small, mid and large businesses in Tampa and surrounding areas with their design and branding needs. While Laura is quiet and modest, her work speaks for itself. Her designs and her portfolio is jaw dropping. Below is our conversation: Robyn: What is the biggest account you have landed? Laura: Bright House Networks   Robyn: Wow. That is a huge account. How did you get that account? Laura: I let all my friends and family know that I was going into business for myself. And my cousin referred me to a friend that was in the same field at a company in Florida. I reached out to her friend via LinkedIn. After we connected, we realized…
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Create Your Marketing Message Based On Your Ideal Client

Ok, so you have identified your ideal client (if you haven't, check out Identify Your Ideal Client).  And you have identified where they are (if not, check out Where Are Your Future Clients?).  NOW it's time to CREATE YOUR MARKETING MESSAGE. do you do that? You have to really think like your ideal client (and you know what they look like and  where they are).  you have to answer: what are their biggest concerns? what is most important to them? what are the hot buttons? what are the features/benefits that are most important You want to answer the WIIFM question as the client.  What's In It For Me? If safety and family security is most important, don't sell the idea of how it's the latest and greatest.  If having the newest…
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Where Are Your Future Clients?

Sales, Uncategorized
As a smart business owner, you always need to know WHO your customer is.  For a recap on identifying your ideal client, go to the post Identify Your Ideal Client. And you also need to answer WHERE are your future clients. Once you have your customer persona (are they male/female, what age, where do they live, etc), you need to determine WHERE they are. Where do they get their information? What publications do they read? What websites do they frequent? Do they go to networking events?  Which ones? Do they read local publications? What radio stations do they listen to? What social media sites are they on? By pinpointing where your clients are, you can maximize your marketing dollars and get MORE SALES and MORE PROFIT while only spending dollars that…
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