Create Your Marketing Message Based On Your Ideal Client

Ok, so you have identified your ideal client (if you haven’t, check out Identify Your Ideal Client).  And you have identified where they are (if not, check out Where Are Your Future Clients?).  NOW it’s time to CREATE YOUR MARKETING MESSAGE.

Sooo…how do you do that?

You have to really think like your ideal client (and you know what they look like and  where they are).  you have to answer:

  • what are their biggest concerns?
  • what is most important to them?
  • what are the hot buttons?
  • what are the features/benefits that are most important

You want to answer the WIIFM question as the client.  What’s In It For Me?

If safety and family security is most important, don’t sell the idea of how it’s the latest and greatest.  If having the newest gadget is most important, don’t sell them on the fact that it is the lowest price.

Speaking of lowest price, I challenge you to look at much more than cost when it comes to concerns and what’s most important. While we all look at price to some degree, that usually isn’t our hot button.

And not only do you want to hit the hot button, you want to speak the way your ideal market speaks.  And your marketing collateral should reflect images that apply to your ideal client.

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