What Skills Do You Need to Be an Email Marketing Specialist?

What Skills Do You Need to Be an Email Marketing Specialist?

Digital Marketing Careers, Education and Training, Email Marketing, Marketing, Marketing Automation, Sales
There is a significant amount of potential in utilizing email marketing. There is potential for building relationships with clients and creating new ones. Additionally, it can help to increase engagement and ROI for businesses small and large. So what kind of skills are necessary to become a specialist in this area? Creativity Imagine you are receiving over 100 emails per day. Many of those emails may require a response, and others may come from various subscriptions. The subject line as well as the preheader (what is shown under the subject line from the inbox point of view) is going to have to grab the attention of your audience. It is important to include a significant welcoming or an offer to your potential consumer in the subject line. Avoid using a…
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The Worst Email Subject Line Goes to … (drum roll)

Other, Sales
ANYTHING WITH THE WORD NEWSLETTER IN IT! Are you sending out a monthly newsletter to clients or prospects? For crying out loud, do NOT put 'Newsletter' in the subject line. Why? Because NO ONE (and I mean NO ONE) cares about your newsletter. What do your prospects and clients care about? They care about you providing them information they are looking for. They care about you solving a problem. They care about you giving them something valuable. And a subject line with the word 'newsletter' does NOT say that. What are you including in your newsletter? I am assuming your newsletter has something that your prospect or client would actually want to read (not about your specials, your company or you). If you are solving a problem, use a teaser as…
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You Are Already Forgotten! The Importance of Follow Up

As business owners and/or salespeople, we often think our prospects continuously think of us.  We have a great conversation with a prospect or customer, and we think "oh this is going to be great." But a few days pass by...and guess what? YOU ARE ALREADY FORGOTTEN! Sounds terrible, doesn't it?  But it's not.  People and business owners are busy.  They have lives and life happens.  Your product or service is no longer at the top of their minds. And that's why you need to create a follow up system that follows up automatically for you! I had a competitor come into my office one day.  They knew I landed a large account.  They asked if they could serve as a contingent.  I told them I may be interested.  But unfortunately,…
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Create Your Marketing Message Based On Your Ideal Client

Ok, so you have identified your ideal client (if you haven't, check out Identify Your Ideal Client).  And you have identified where they are (if not, check out Where Are Your Future Clients?).  NOW it's time to CREATE YOUR MARKETING MESSAGE. Sooo...how do you do that? You have to really think like your ideal client (and you know what they look like and  where they are).  you have to answer: what are their biggest concerns? what is most important to them? what are the hot buttons? what are the features/benefits that are most important You want to answer the WIIFM question as the client.  What's In It For Me? If safety and family security is most important, don't sell the idea of how it's the latest and greatest.  If having the newest…
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Where Are Your Future Clients?

Sales, Uncategorized
As a smart business owner, you always need to know WHO your customer is.  For a recap on identifying your ideal client, go to the post Identify Your Ideal Client. And you also need to answer WHERE are your future clients. Once you have your customer persona (are they male/female, what age, where do they live, etc), you need to determine WHERE they are. Where do they get their information? What publications do they read? What websites do they frequent? Do they go to networking events?  Which ones? Do they read local publications? What radio stations do they listen to? What social media sites are they on? By pinpointing where your clients are, you can maximize your marketing dollars and get MORE SALES and MORE PROFIT while only spending dollars that…
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