Is Your Marketing Message Doing What It’s Supposed To Do?

JSBTampa - My Marketing MessageIn a previous post, I mentioned the importance of identifying an ideal client.  If you don’t understand the importance, think about it like this:

I ask YOU to do a presentation for a group of 100 people in a few days.  I tell you that you really need to make it interesting, make it make sense to the crowd, really get them engaged and provoke them to act.  The first question you should ask me are “WHO THE HECK ARE THESE PEOPLE?”

And that’s exactly why you need to identify your ideal client. 

You can’t create a message that is interesting to someone, that will get them engaged, and that will get them to act if you don’t know who they are.

Now that you know (because you have already identified your ideal client), you can begin crafting the message.  If you have not identified your ideal client, go to my previous post at

You need to think about your ideal client when answering EVERY question.

  1. What is the most important thing about your product/service TO YOUR IDEAL CLIENT?
  2. What is your ideal clients BIGGEST CONCERN as it pertains to your product/service?
  3. What benefit is most important and most relevant to your ideal client?
  4. What story of a current or past client helps to demonstrate the benefit listed in #3?

Don’t just think about this.  Write it down.  And really work to perfect this!

If you have more than 1 ideal client, create different marketing messages for each (and make sure to keep these and track these separately).

In the next post, we will be talking about getting in front of your ideal client with this message!

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