The Worst Email Subject Line Goes to … (drum roll)

Other, Sales
ANYTHING WITH THE WORD NEWSLETTER IN IT! Are you sending out a monthly newsletter to clients or prospects? For crying out loud, do NOT put 'Newsletter' in the subject line. Why? Because NO ONE (and I mean NO ONE) cares about your newsletter. What do your prospects and clients care about? They care about you providing them information they are looking for. They care about you solving a problem. They care about you giving them something valuable. And a subject line with the word 'newsletter' does NOT say that. What are you including in your newsletter? I am assuming your newsletter has something that your prospect or client would actually want to read (not about your specials, your company or you). If you are solving a problem, use a teaser as…
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Give More!

blog, Other
One of my core beliefs not just in the business world but in life in general is you need to always give more.  And this ‘give’ should come first from you. I believe that great people know that the more you give the more you will receive. Imagine if you decided to provide value to 10 people at a networking event over several different encounters.  Imagine that you went out of your way to do this and never once asked for anything in (more…)
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